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Holiday Style
I’m happy to say that after traveling to places with dodgy computer hook-ups, I am back to my blog and will update you weekly on the fresh fashion happenings.

Last week, I went to a slew of fashion parties. Valentino was toasting his new fragrance, Rock n’ Rose, taking over the top floor of 7 World Trade Center. Bergdorf Goodman hosted a decadent Italian dinner for Marni designer, Consuela Castiglioni, and Hugo Boss awarded their art prize at the Guggenheim museum. These parties are a little work and a little fun. I usually walk away with some great cocktail party ideas, but last week it was the clothes that made a lasting impression.

Leave it to the fashion flock to be first responders when it comes to trying new holiday trends. I’m not talking about those bold face names that everyone is sick of hearing about. Of course those girls look great when they can borrow designer clothes and hire personal stylists. The crowd at the Hugo Boss party was especially inspiring because there were a lot of artsy do-it-yourself types.

Here are some tips I picked up while partying the night away. They are sure to make you stand out at your next holiday soiree.

• I know black is all over the stores this fall but sacrifice the safe choice and wear color. Some great hues are royal blue, yellow (with black accents) and Kelly green.

Headbands are the new earrings; buy one with rhinestones or feathers.

• Open-toe sandals with bare legs look wrong this season. If you have to wear open toe throw on a pair of black fishnets to add some sexy coverage. My favorite ones are by DKNY.


posted by Fun Fearless Fashion at 1:45 PM


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